Wednesday, January 28, 2009

No transportation in Perry's address

Christy Hoppe of the Dallas Morning News has a good round-up of Perry's State of the State address at

She notices that the speech was affected by the Gov. 39% factor: "Gone were the lofty language and bold programs of his last State of the State address, two years ago – their wings clipped by an economic downturn and his own weakened stature in the Capitol."

It was striking that the only reference to transportation was the rebate for plug-in hybrid cars. This is a strange omission for the Governor who always seems so proud of his Trans-Texas Corridor "vision," his CDA's, his PPP's, his tolling plans, and his big road contractor contributors.

In this campaign speech for the 2010 primary, he must have decided that bragging about these plans and accomplishments would only highlight that he is on the wrong side of these issues, while Hutchison is right.

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