Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Comment to CAMPO re 290 E tolling

I have been out of town and neglecting my blogging. This is very late notice, but I'm posting the message sent to the ACRE email group about commenting to CAMPO about tolling 290 East. The deadline is tomorrow, November 19.

CAMPO is accepting comments from the public about the tolling of 290 East. There are two parts of their plan to comment on—the Statement of Purpose and the Financial Plan.

290 East Toll Project

The Statement of Purpose calls for creating a “system” comprised of 183A and 290 E. Among other problems, this plan violates the Eckhardt covenant against using revenue from one toll area to benefit another area. The Statement of Purpose is at campotexas.org.

You may submit comments to CAMPO by fax or email until November 19.
fax 512-974-6385
email campo@campotexas.org

290 East Toll Project

The Financial Plan was developed to fund 290 E tolling. It includes the possibility that revenue from 183A and 290 E could be used to support each other. I really don’t see why there are two plans to comment on, since both seem to say that 183A and 290 E will be in one system with revenues from 183A backing up 290 E. Be that as it may, comments are being taken on the Financial Plan until November 19.

fax 512-974-6385
email campo@campotexas.org


Beki says, “CAMPO counts these remarks as ‘for the project’ or ‘against the project.’ Or ‘for the financing mechanism’ or ‘against the financing mechanism.’”

So if you want to register your opinion about tolling 290 E in a simple way, just send CAMPO an email at campo@campotexas.org saying, for example, “I am against the 290 E project, and I am against the 290 E financing mechanism.” Or you could send two emails—one against the 290 E project and one against the 290 E financing mechanism.

Beki continues, “Pro-toll groups get their members to email in mass to CAMPO in support of projects like this one just to inflate the numbers that support the project. . . . Let’s make our voice heard too.”

It is especially important for those who are in the 290 E area and will have to pay these tolls just to commute to send in comments.

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