Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Coupland Civic Organization's Christmas Party

The CCO enjoyed music from Coupland School students at its meeting on December 13. Thanks to Superintendent Gary Chandler and music director George McAdams for bringing the advanced Middle School guitar students, the kindergarten-second grade choir, and the third grade flutophone group. Mr. McAdams, who has taught science and music at Coupland School for several years, is retiring at the end of this semester. The CCO thanks him for bringing his students to the Coupland Christmas gathering for the past several years. We will miss him! Also, thank you to CCO Hospitality Co-Chairs Ruby Wabbel and Dottie Hahn for the Christmas cookies and punch.

The CCO’s Country Cookin’ cookbook has been reprinted and is available at CCO meetings and from President Barbara Piper, 856-2635. It is available in Taylor at Moss & Moss True Value.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Coupland's November cooking class

The CCO extends a big thank-you to Coupland’s Master Chef Peter Wabbel, wife Ruby, and son Torsten for hosting the final cooking class of the year on November 12, with seventeen attendees. Peter demonstrated how to prepare and then served dishes such as lump crab cakes, pumpkin cream soup, beef tenderloin a la bourguignon, loin of veal with sauce aux champignon blanche, and the piece de resistance—baked Alaska garnished with sparklers. The cooking classes, which are CCO fundraisers, will resume in spring of 2012.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Coupland Halloween Party

The CCO held the annual community Halloween party on Halloween evening, featuring games, treats, and costumes at the historic Depot. Both kids and adults enjoyed a safe and fun celebration. Thanks to the Hospitality Committee, co-chaired by Ruby Wabbel and Dottie Hahn, for delicious refreshments and for expertly decorating the Depot in a Halloween motif—spooky, but not too scary for the little ones. Also at the party, the Coupland Incorporation Committee gathered signatures on the incorporation petition.