Saturday, July 31, 2010

Federal Highway Administration pounds "final nail in the coffin" of TTC-35

Thanks to Marcia Snyder for sending the info below. The FHWA has issued the final Record of Decision on the Trans-Texas Corridor paralleling IH 35 and has chosen the No Action Alternative. Because the FHWA specifies that the “project is concluded” and “the project ends,” it would be very hard if not impossible for the pro-Corridor elements to resurrect TTC-35.

Margaret Byfield, American Stewards of Liberty, cites the following analysis from attorney Fred Grant, who was instrumental in forming the Eastern Central Texas Sub-Regional Planning Commission:

“The Federal Highway Administration has pounded the final nail in the coffin of the Trans-Texas Corridor-35. The Agency’s final Record of Decision, issued on July 20, 2010 selected the No Action Alternative but went further in ordering that 'a study area for the TTC-35 Project will not be chosen and the TTC-35 Project is concluded.' Twice the ROD states that the 'project is concluded', and six times it states that 'the project ends'. If TXDOT attempted to revive the 35 Corridor project and use the same EIS, this ROD would provide the base for issuance by a United States District Judge of a Declaratory Judgment prohibiting the action.”

Margaret says: “The Eastern Central Commission needs to count this as another major victory. They didn’t withdraw the study as requested but wrote the ROD in such a way that TXDOT cannot use this study in the future. Congratulations to all.”

I say, "Champagne for all!"

Thursday, July 15, 2010

July Coupland Herald is out!

The July issue of the Coupland Herald newsletter is out. Highlights include a map of area city ETJs advancing toward Coupland and the country's largest solar farm in the Coupland area. What next?! To read the Herald, go to and click on Coupland Herald in the left column. To see more photos from the paver installation project and the Depot Dedication event, click on "new" Depot Dedication.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Coupland dedicates newly restored Depot on June 19

June 19 marked the official Depot Dedication. Coupland Civic Organization President Barbara Piper introduced three long-time Coupland residents, who presented some history of the community and the significance of the Depot. Ruth Thiele spoke of rescuing the Depot, moving it to the center of Coupland, and restoring it as the 1976 Bicentennial project of what was then the Coupland Community Club.

Irene Florida explained the change from the Community Club to the current Civic Organization, which is a non-profit organization. She recounted the beginning of the planning and fundraising for the current restoration during her tenure as CCO president. Loretta Patschke told some entertaining stories of growing up in Coupland, talked about the generations of Coupland families, and discussed the meaning of the Depot. She concluded with a heart-felt plea that current Coupland residents do what they can to preserve the valuable and traditional way-of-life that still exists in the community.

Board member Bradley Nelson demonstrated working crossing lights and bell, from his railroad memorabilia collection, that he has installed in front of the Depot. Attendees enjoyed a barbecue sandwich lunch and seeing the Depot and its collection of artifacts. Mickie Ross brought a display of literature and antique toys from the Williamson Museum. Francis Smith of the Elgin Depot Museum also attended.

Family members of Eldridge and Deanna Tidwell offered rides in their horse-drawn wagon around Coupland. Fire Chief Tracy Gardner displayed some of the latest trucks from the Coupland Volunteer Fire Department.